An Examination on the Problems Existing in the Teaching and Learning of Oral English

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An Examination on the Problems Existing in the Teaching and Learning of Oral English

Bygate in Yu Wang

Shenzen University 2006

reviewed by : Sri Hastuti N.A.S (Mataram University)

At the beginning of that article discusses about the problems in the teaching and learning of oral language. In teaching English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) the learners are more interested in learning oral language than writing, listening or reading. However, all four skills are equally importance in studying about language competence.  Therefore, classroom activities that develop the ability to communicate through speech are an important component of an English language course for most learners. In this article, it focuses on the oral language by studying the fluency and accuracy in the speech or discourse. As we know that the discourse or speech is one of competency in ESL/EFL which must be got by the learners.

Based on this article, oral English is one main goal in teaching and learning ESL/EFL. As we know that we learn a language for using it in communication. Oral communication reflects the persistent and powerful role of language and communication in human society. However, in teaching and learning ESL/EFL which the purpose is oral communication must think that how to teach and learn so that the learners are able to use a language to communicate with the other. At its most basic level, oral communication is the spoken interaction between two ormore people. The interaction is far more complex than it seems. Oral communication is composed of multiple elements which, when taken as a whole, result in the success or failure of the interaction. Not everyone is an effective communicator. As the result, the teacher should think that how the way the learners are able to communicate by using that language. More

English Syntax ” Applicative, Causativization and Passivization”

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Assignment of Final Test


  1. What are the main differences between Basic Construction and Applicativeness?
  2. What are the similarities between Unaccusative and Causativization?
  3. What are the major differences between Canonical Passive and Inverted Passive?


  1. 1.    The main differences between Basic Construction and Applicativeness

Basic construction here explains about intransitive construction (one-place verb), transitive construction (two-place verb) , and ditransitive construction (thee-place verb) in which the clause can bear one or two arguments based on the basic construction by using permutation test. While applicativeness refers to process of valency mechanism to add an argument of a verb (Spencer in Hanafi (2003)). The verb of applicativeness is marked with affixes.

The difference between basic construction and applicativeness  lies on the  construction or alternation. Basic construction, the derivation occurs without dropping out any kind of words, either it is in intransitive construction, transitive construction, or ditransitive contruction. While in Applicativeness, that is about the mechanism of valency changes and the applicative as well. It means that the applicativeness occurs by adding an argument of verb which is marked by affixes.

We can see the differences between basic construction and applicativeness as the examples below

  1. a.    Basic Construction
  • Ø One-Place verb (Intransitive construction)
  1. Saya sedang bosan

“ I am bored”

  1. Sedang bosan saya
  2. *saya bosan sedang
  3. *bosan saya sedang

The example above has one argument, because the derivation only has one acceptable allternation. Then, for the no (3,4) considers as the ill-formed, because the forms are unstructure or ungrammatical. In hence, it only has one acceptable alternation.

While for NP Mr. Ahmad is S and  NP Math is not an Object, but it is an complement such as the following example :

  1. Mr. Ahmad teaches Math in my class.
  2. Math, Mr. Ahmad teaches in my class,
  3. In my class, Mr. Ahmad teaches Math
  4. Mr. Ahmad, in my class teaches Math

The example above shows that there are some argument based on the basic construction, and all of them are acceptable alternations. The derivations above use permutation to test the acceptable argument that can be born by the basic construction without dropping out or adding any kind of words on the allternation. At the example no (5) whose complement becomes a topic of the clause and for no (6) the derivation  is derived by moving up the position of adverb becomes the topic of the clause. Most of them are not the ill fomred, hence these can be grammatical form. More


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a. The importance of English
English language is one of language which is necessary for human life in this world. We can not deny that almost all of countries use English language to communicate with the other people. English is used in many parts of the world because at least a few people in community know the language. By knowing and being able to use English, it will make our life easier to survive, because we know that almost all of the things in this world always have relevance with English. We will not be able to do such thing, if we are not able to use English. For instance, nowadays almost all kinds of occupation use English as main requirement, so if we cannot use English, we will not find a job in this life. As the result, English is really importance for human life. On the other side, Sometime, between one place and other have different accent when they speak English, it is not a problem as long as it understandable. However, the important thing that we can communicate with the other by using English though that we cannot pay attention more in structure or grammar. If we meet with foreigner, it will be better for us to use English because we cannot speak their native language especially for those who English is a foreign in their country. English connects us with foreigner since it is world language and most people learn it.
Some reasons why English is important for us:

Firstly, we know that English is an international language, it can be seen that by using English, it makes the communication easier when the different countries meet each other without knowing what their native languages. Education has increased the role of English. We can see that in Indonesia education has introduced English language it self, the government has include English as a subject in each education grade. Besides that, we can see there are so many courses in each area till the urban area. By looking it, English is important in our life. When the people who go to another country for studying, they must have English as their medium of study. This is because they will not be able to learn countries and also between political leaders of various countries. If a political leader like president visits a country which English is not their native language, he or she often uses English to great each other because both of them have different language When we make trip to another country, the language may different with ours, and we do not understand the language which is being used in that country, in this circumstance English is the solution when we want to communicate with the society. While someone wants to improve his or her business and make link with foreigner, they often post their commercial in the internet and all the instructions use English, if she or he does not understand the instruction it is difficult for them to post their commercial. In spite of the growth of internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the internet users. This is the language in most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each relevant web page into language of various countries. With internet becoming very important in E-commerce and also in education, English is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English is emphasized.  More

Psikolinguistik dan Kajiannya

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  1. 1.    Pengertian Psikolinguistik


Psikolinguistik merupakan sebuah kajian baru yang dimana muncul pertama kali pada tahun 1954 dan merupakan gagasan dari George Miller dan Charles Osgood yang di jabarkan oleh Sundusiah dalam artikelnya “Sejarah Perkembangan Psikolinguitsik”. Psikolinguistik adalah gabungan dari dua bidang ilmu yakni Psikologi dan Linguistik seperti yang di paparkan oleh Carroll pada tahun 1953. Carroll menyatakan bahwa Psikologi adalah sebuah bidang ilmu yang berfokus pada jiwa, pikiran, atau emosional manusia, sedangkan Linguistik adalah bidang ilmu yang mempelajari bahasa manusia. Muncullnya sebuah ketertarikan untuk melihat hubungan antara jiwa, emosional, pikiran manusia dengan mempelajari bahasa menyebabkan terbentuknya disiplin ilmu baru yang sekarang disebut Psikolinguistik. Adapun objek dari bidang ilmu ini adalah peroses mempelajari bahasa yang dapat tercermin dari gejala jiwa manusia. Definisi lain juga terlihat dari John Field yang menyatakan bahwa Psikolinguistik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana pikiran manusia dalam mempelajari atau menggunakan dan memperoleh bahasa. Ini lebih mengacu pada bagaimana proses itu terjadi, bagaimana penyimpanan, penggunaan dan pemerolehan bahasa yang semuanya sangat berhubungan erat dengan aktivitas otak dan pikiran manusia.

Lado (dalam Hakim (2012) mendefinisikan Psikolinguistik adalah gabungan dua pendekatan yakni melalui pendekatan Linguistik dan pendekatan Psikologi bagi telaah atau studi pengetahuan bahasa, penggunaan bahasa, dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan itu yang sulit untuk dicapai melalui salah satu bidang ilmu tersebut secara terpisah. Melihat dari definisi tersebut, kajian dari disiplin ilmu Psikolinguitik tidak dapat dipisahkan, dikarenakan masing-masing bidang ilmu saling mendukung satu sama lain. Selain itu, melihat dari penjabaran  Handke (2012) bidang ilmu Linguistik dalam Psikolinguistik mempunyai kontribusi yang sangat besar, Linguistik adalah kajian ilmu tentang bahasa yang mempunyai cabang ilmu tentang pengetahuan akan bahasa seperti; Phonologi, Morphologi, Semantik dan Pragmatik. Semua cabang ilmu Linguistik mempunyai kontribusi masing-masing dalam kajian ilmu Psikolinguistik. Misalkan, kita dapat melihat bagaimana seorang anak kecil yang masih bayi mampu memproduksi suara atau bunyi, bagaimanakah proses mereka mengerti akan sebuah bunyi atau suara? Hal tersebut adalah salah satu pembahasan dalam Psikolinguitik. Kajian ilmu Psikolinguistik mampu menjabarkan proses apakah yang dialami oleh manusia dalam memperoleh atau menggunakan bahasa di kehidupan ini. More